Piece of Paradise Penida Island Travel

Piece of Paradise Penida Island Travel

Dear reader, you will never believe it if you don’t see it. It’s like a piece of heaven on earth. Bali is already called the last garden of paradise on earth. The proof is seen in Nusa Penida Island. I will tell the story of the shape of this island a little later.

5 consecutive days on the way to Bali, running in the desert, we had no break. Still, it is as if death is saying that it has not been seen. Again and again such questions kept popping up in my mind. Helal Bhai from Satkania area of ​​Chittagong who was introduced earlier said. When you come to Bali, why not visit the island? Then you will not get the fullness of the trip to Bali.

Some description of Bali
There are several islands in Bali. Among them are Gili, Lumbak and Penida Islands. Looking at the tourist map, it seems that it is better to go to Penida with our time because it is easy to go back in a day. Lumbak is very beautiful but far from where we are now. Must stay at night. My travel companion Sameer Babu also became eager to go to this island. I don’t have time. I have to return home the next day. I wonder if I will go to the island.

At night, I started walking in the alley of Kuta Beach. Finding the objective tourist company. Tourist shops on the side of the road with small tables. Each person has a different rate. First 11 lakh rupees will be asked per person. But at first seeing their value, the interest to go to that island declined. The mind became weak under the burden of money.

If you search a little, you will also find it at a low price. But do not make the mistake of the reader to bargain. After walking around for about an hour, I found a shop right inside the street. The leaflet gave many offers. If there is one rate, then another rate. They have arrangements to pick up from the hotel only and come and go by speed boat. I have a habit of traveling. I start haggling with every offer. It lasted about 30 minutes.

I’m totally unhinged. Thinking that they were foreign tourists, they wanted to take extra money. However, the shopkeeper left half and reduced the price as my ragachta was in the same mood. Newbies will have to provide a guide including transportation, site signing, lunch, and car. And five and a half lakh rupees per person. Accumulated in Bengal like 4 thousand taka.

And if only to come and go. Then you have to pay 3 lakh rupees per person. Samir Babu smiled as if relieved to bring down half of the price list. He put his hand on his back as if he agreed and took it. Finally I returned to the room with the first offer. I booked 2 lakh rupees.

The beginning of the journey
The tourist agency said that it will be picked up from the hotel at 7 am. The rest should be paid in the morning. Speedboats leave for Nusa Penida twice a day. One at 8:30 am and the other at 11 am. Car at the hotel lobby at 7 am as usual. I didn’t make the mistake of buying short pants to make up for the regret of not being able to go to the beach before. The driver of the car was a bit fat but of comedy type.

The name Tanbi caste is Muslim. He wanted the rest of the payment on the car. I assured him that he will get it in due time. We had three other tourists. They were also found and picked up from other resorts. After getting up, I found out that they are Colombian citizens. All three belong to the same family. Parents came from South America on son’s vacation. And my son studied and spoke in Australia and learned this much.

Piece of Paradise Penida Island Travel

Sanu Beach
The car is moving towards Sanur Beach. Half an hour drive. The ferry leaves from Sanur Beach. We showed sincerity in calling the driver a Muslim too. There is no shortage of hospitality in Bali. I got a little extra sincerity due to the similarity of religion on him. You can’t turn your eyes away from the beautiful blue water and white sand. I went down to Sanur beach and saw the calm sea. No waves at all. There are 30/35 speed boats floating on the sea. Kule made colorful tents designed for tourists.

Sanur Beach is bustling with hundreds of tourists walking in the morning. The driver took us to a counter and arranged to hang the card around our neck after entering our names. Then after 10 minutes it’s time to board the boat. The driver said he would come at 5 o’clock. About 30 of us boarded the boat. It will take about 40 minutes to reach Penida. This information was given by our boatman. Penida is a district of Bali. This district is made up of three islands. The islands are Lembagan, Nusa Cheningan and Penida. The biodiversity of the archipelago and the bounty of nature create breathtaking scenery.

Boat ride
I sat on the deck of the boat. 40 minutes way. The boat is moving fast and the strong wind is blowing in the direction of Penida. What a wonderful scene. I dared to get up and saw the waves crashing in the sea. If you get sand, you can see the island in the distance. The beautiful garden of hills and trees. Small sailing boats. Tourists are running from this island to another island. Find happiness in nature.

Penida Island

Pushing wave after wave of the sea, I reached Penida. Hundreds of people are standing in Kule. And the car at the jetty. The weather is giving the impression that the nature will gradually become rough with the clear harsh sun. And just thinking of our Saint Martin. On the way down to the jetty, there was a strong smell of vans and dry cleaners. The beginning tells what the atmosphere inside St. Martin will be like.

A choked up St.Martin tour in an hour. We couldn’t dress in Bangladesh, but they did, maybe that’s the difference. What an expensive expensive car. Drivers stand with playing cards to receive tourists. I got off the boat and saw a Salim Hoque standing there writing. I got into the car with a handbag. Odi is a young name. Hair is golden brown styled with black glasses.

Reaching inside the island and seeing the road at the beginning, the mind was filled. The car is running on a bumpy road. Green after green. Back to front car. No over take. There is no oncoming car, maybe it is going the other way. But after a while, the road was terrible. Too big. As if our bahaddarhat. A few kilometers and so on. Driver OD said it will take an hour to reach the destination.

Due to the spit, the AC of the car is also not working properly. A drowsy wave of cars played against the heat. On the way, the driver told us that he will show us four spots. Afternoon will be taken to Keiling Beach. Then lunch. The last one will be taken at 2 pm at Crystal Beach. Here you will be given two hours to bathe in the sea. Then 4 o’clock will reach the jetty. Looking here and there with OD information. And it is visible that few people live on the island.

And I’m thinking about Hollywood’s Mysteries Island movie. A story about how many people get lost on an island while on a trip. How many of them struggle with the struggle for survival. Thinking about it, the driver stopped the car at a high place and said, Namen, I have arrived.

The beauty of blue water and sand
And I’m thinking about Hollywood’s Mysteries Island movie. A story about how many people get lost on an island while on a trip. How many of them struggle with the struggle for survival. Thinking about it, the driver stopped the car at a high place and said, Namen, I have arrived. I first saw the place and went to Thaban. This awkward forest and water came so far. Who knew the best place in the world was hidden behind evil. Driver OD said follow me. I ran after him.

As if walking step by step on some level of heaven. The more you go in, the more the beauty beckons. OD says it’s Broken Beach. It is as if nature has cut the mountain with its own hands and decorated it with jewels. Seeing the beauty of the blue water and the sand, I went to the forest. Just looking in awe and thinking it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world I’ve ever seen. No language, eyelids moving and moving like a camera lens.

Piece of Paradise Penida Island Travel

Machangs made of bamboo are kept to keep memories. OD climbed up and took a group photo. It is his responsibility. I’m walking around and seeing that it’s a piece of heaven on earth. I walked a few steps and saw Angel Billabong. The difference between these two is different. I stood next to it and observed the whole sea. Blue and blue water in the distance. God bless Bashundhara. But in the midst of the beauty, the heat level increased and increased the rush to return. Later I left to see the beach. I fell asleep in the car while rocking and swaying, and I didn’t realize when I came to Keilingling Beach. Laziness filled the eyes with sleep. Yet the path is in a new place.

View of Kailinking Beach
Seeing the view of Kailinking Beach, sleep suddenly escaped. what a unique Steep mountains on the sea. We are looking down at 3,000 feet. Some people run like ants. I wanted to get off. The driver OD said it will take an hour to get down and 3 hours to come up! Where is this time? To get down here, you have to stay on the island overnight. 

There is no emotion in this scene. There is no language to express beauty. I looked down and saw the fish skin. Thousands of fish are playing. In the hot sun. I don’t want to leave here. Still had to go for lunch. I entered a restaurant under the package in a quiet place and had food. Chicken with a juice and nasi going. Lunch, however, was not bad.

Crystal Beach
After dinner, I went to Crystal Beach. Totally different. mountains in the distance Coconut trees around. All the tourists are bathing here. Here’s a respite from the previous beach heat. Sameer Babu chased and fell into the water. Bathing at Crystal Beach is like tasting the fruits of travel. However, when he entered the toilet to change his dress after bathing, he saw 50 thousand rupees and Samir Babu said in Feni’s language, “What is it?” so much price

The sun is falling. tired body OD found us. Along with the Colombians. The way to come and the way to go is not the same. It is easy to see. Rows of coconut trees. Welcoming you on your way out. Arriving at the jetty at exactly 4 o’clock, OD gave Bali his customary smile. Appeared at Sanu Beach at 5 o’clock on the other side. Getting off the boat is no problem. No crowd, no noise. Calm sea and calm afternoon.

At the end of the trip
As the sun sinks in the sky. The shape of the sand is changing. Driver said listen Hindi song or something else. We are surprised to hear Hindi in Bali. Driver’s favorite heroes are Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan. We forgot to know who the heroine is. And in the car he played the song ‘Kuchkuch Huta Hai’ if the Colombian citizen behind didn’t understand and we cheered up in the late afternoon with the familiar tune.

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